Where in the World is Parry Aftab?
Parry Aftab travels extensively, spreading cybersafety, digital best practices and community engagement around the world. Between January and June 2018 she will be hosting several events on digital policy from India, to Singapore, to Ottawa, to Washington DC, Dublin and Seattle and beyond culminating with an event hosted at the UN headquarters in Vienna in early 2019.
Her award-winning StopCyberbullying Summit series will continue in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada this Spring, featuring a few mothers of those tragically lost to cyberbullying and sextortion and in New Jersey. Information about the one hosted in Ireland can be found at Cyberbullying Summit.
She is hosting the first of the Digital Policy - Remembering the Human (Mobile Policy in India) events on February 16, 2018 in Delhi and will also be a featured speaker at the upcoming Rising India 2018 conference in Delhi February 22-23, 2018.