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Parry Aftab is best know for her contributions and initiatives which have changed the face of the Internet. She as hosted summit run by 4th - 12th graders around the world, developed UNESCO's digital child sexual exploitation prevention program for the US, created the first national cybersafety program for the Girl Scouts of the USA, written the digital dating abuse curriculum for Love is Not Abuse, helped design MTV's A Thin Line public service site and campaign, helped build Singapore's cybersafety program for parents (in 1999) and taken on the prevention and addressing of cyberbullying, sexual exploitation and intolerance as personal missions.


Parry created Teenangels and WiredTeens to give young people a voice in digital policy and cybersafety.

With years of experience in the field of digital best practices, risk management, privacy law and COPPA compliance Parry Aftab can help you design it right to begin with. She has hosted summits for industry and helped run them for the UN and others. By bringing leaders and newcomers in the digital space together, they learn from each other's successes and mistakes. The StopCyberbullying Coalition is one of those initiatives.

When the Girl Scouts of the USA decided to address digital life skills and cybersafety for its 2+ million members, it turned ot Microsoft to build it and Parry Aftab to design it and handle the messaging. Titled "LMK" standing for "let me know" it helped millions of girls learn how to be smarter and more responsible online.

Love is Not Abuse, a groundbreaking program supported by Liz Claiborne for many years advises teens, especially teen girls, on dating violence. Liz Claiborne brought Parry Aftab in to design and write the digital dating curriculum, resources and messaging. The program is free and available to schools and organizations to help support teens during these challenging times.

Examples of Parry Aftab's Projects and Initiatives

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